Why I Am a Beautycounter Consultant


It was a cold December day, my husband and I had just bought our first home. I remember thinking, “okay, it’s time. I know this is the right path for me.” Then I clicked “submit.”

Now, I had never once imagined that I would one day sign myself up as a direct sales person. I’ve gotten more than enough of those “hey girl… want to join my team/accountability group/pyramid scheme” DMs. I knew Beautycounter was totally different. I had spent months researching the company, their mission, and their advocacy. I had tried out a number of the products myself (spoiler alert: they’re the best). And something inside me just knew it was the right next step. I felt aligned.

So here I am, just over six months later, loving Beautycounter more than ever! I think it’s time I share exactly why I became a #betterbeauty advocate!

My journey to clean living started back in 2018 when my Nana was rapidly declining from Alzheimer’s disease. Over a few short years, my Nana went from being an intelligent, articulate, creative woman to someone who could not speak, move, or respond to her environment. It was absolutely heartbreaking.

Unfortunately, Alzheimer’s is known to have a genetic component, and naturally I wanted to reduce my risk as much as possible. I started doing research about environmental impacts on Alzheimer’s development, and I discovered that there are tons of ways to clean up your environment and routine to help protect your health!

I started by switching to a clean deodorant. Most antiperspirants contain aluminum, a metal that is known to contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s disease. After that, I wondered about what else might be lurking in my personal care products.

Turns out, a lot.


The average woman puts 168 chemicals a day on her body. As a makeup enthusiast and skincare lover, I suspected I was using even more. What’s more, the chemicals you apply to your skin end up circulating in your bloodstream. For folks who are pregnant or trying to conceive, keep in mind that these chemicals find their way from your skin to your developing fetus via cord blood.

Why is that a problem?

Currently, personal care product manufacturers can legally use ingredients that are scientifically linked to cancer, reproductive toxicity, asthma, birth defects, and more.

Wait, what? Doesn’t the FDA regulate this stuff? If it’s on the shelves, it must be safe, right?

Nope. While the European Union bans about 1400 ingredients from use, the US only bans 30. The only piece of federal legislation we have is from 1938 (yeah, more than 80 years ago). It’s part of a 829 page document, and only 2 of those pages speak about personal care products. In fact, the FDA can’t even order a recall if products are a serious risk to health or cause death. For example, even when women were dying from ovarian cancer they developed after using baby powder, the FDA had no power to recall that product. The women and their families had to sue Johnson&Johnson in civil court.  

Once I realized the dangers lurking in my lipstick and face mask, I felt so sad and angry. Why doesn’t the government care enough to regulate this multi-billion dollar industry? How many people are unwittingly using products that are making them sick?



The good news is that you can detox harmful ingredients from your system if you stop exposing yourself to them. I went searching for products that I could be sure didn’t include toxic ingredients. That’s when I found Beautycounter!

Beautycounter bans 1800+ ingredients from our products and raw materials. If an ingredient is known or even suspected to cause harm – it’s out!

I figured clean beauty wouldn’t perform as well as the stuff that I bought at Ulta or Sephora – but I wanted to give it a try anyway – my health is my top priority! After getting diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (an autoimmune disease that attacks the thyroid) in 2019, I knew I had to say goodbye to my toxic products for good – whether I could find a high performing alternative or not. You see, chemicals in your environment (ie what you put on your skin) can trigger and exacerbate autoimmune conditions. (For folks with a thyroid condition, consider how many chemicals you are applying on and around your neck - where your thyroid gland is!) In order to feel better, I needed to change my beauty routine.


Turns out, I loved Beautycounter even more than my old stuff. Really! My skin looked amazing – finally the little lines I had developed around my mouth started to fade. My chronically dry skin started looking and feeling hydrated. And I was still getting complimented on my makeup! Talk about a win-win!

I slowly started switching all of my skincare and makeup products over to Beautycounter, and telling my friends and family about my new passion for clean beauty. That’s when I knew it was time to officially join the movement.

Now that some time has passed, I feel like I know the clean beauty world so much better. I’m proud to be representing the leaders in the clean beauty industry. It feels so good to be getting cleaner, safer products into the hands of the people I care about. We are paving the way to a future where all beauty is clean - no matter where you buy it. Even Sephora is taking notes on our good work!

Like most consultants, I only wish I had joined sooner!

Have questions about clean beauty? Have you already made the switch to safer? Let me know in the comments below!

You can shop Beautycounter with me here.
