The Morning Ritual You Need to Try - Apple Cider Vinegar!


I often get asked about my daily health ritual of drinking ACV and water first thing in the morning. Mostly, people want to know just HOW I can get myself to drink it – ha!

Now, I want to say that everyone is different. It took me a while to get accustomed to the taste! Now I love my morning ritual and I actually look forward to it. Sometimes I even have an extra serving in the afternoon or evening.

First, let’s chat about why I drink ACV with water every morning, and why you might want to as well.

I started drinking my signature morning cocktail years ago. It helps my digestion, supports clear, glowy skin, and makes me feel amazing! I first gave it a try after listening to my intuition -- I felt I needed something in the morning before I took in any other food or drink. I looked at the research and felt totally supported in my new ritual!

Here’s what I found:

You probably know we humans need to drink water. If you’re like most Americans, you probably aren’t drinking enough. Starting a ritual of drinking water first thing in the morning is a great way to give your body the hydration it needs – and it just might encourage you to keep it up throughout the day!

So, what is ACV and why add ACV to my morning water?


I’m glad you asked.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is produced by fermenting the juices of crushed apples. It contains acetic acid, and if it’s raw and unpasteurized, beneficial bacteria.

ACV has tons of health benefits. Studies have found that drinking ACV helps regulate blood sugar, control harmful bacteria, and can help people maintain a healthy weight. To get the best health benefit, I recommend using raw, unfiltered ACV with the “mother”. This is the one I use!

Here are some of the benefits I’ve noticed since starting this morning ritual:

  • Clearer, more hydrated skin

  • Better digestion

  • Improved energy

When you drink water and ACV together first thing in the morning, you are reaping the benefits of hydration and getting an extra health boost!


Ready to try?

Here’s how I do it: every morning I fill a 16oz glass jar with filtered, room temperature water. Then I add 1-2 tablespoons of Braggs ACV.

But Sara, ACV is gross! I can’t get it down!

I hear you! I don’t recommend starting out with my signature morning cocktail unless you are really hardcore! It took me a while to get used to it myself! Here’s what I did:

For two weeks, drink 8-16oz of water (pick a temperature that works for you – I like room temp) with the juice from 1/4 -1/2 of a lemon. Lemon juice has similar health benefits of ACV and will help you become accustomed to the sour taste in the morning.

For the next two weeks, slowly increase the amount of water to 16oz, and start to add a splash of ACV into your lemon water. Over time, increase the amount of ACV and decrease the amount of lemon juice, until you have transitioned to 1-2 tablespoons of ACV only.

As always, I recommend drinking out of a glass or stainless steel container. Also, make sure you always drink this mixture from a glass or stainless steel straw to protect your teeth! Here are the ones I use and love.

Is ACV already a part of your daily health ritual? If not, is it something you’re considering adding in? Let me know in the comments!


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