Seed Cycling Balls


This February I stopped taking the birth control pill after more than a decade on it. I always had a regular cycle before the pill, so I was confused when my period didn’t come back!

Many women need support with balancing their hormones and getting a regular, pain free cycle back after years on birth control. Every woman is different, and I highly recommend working with a skilled provider to assess your individual case. Luckily I had already been working with an ND who knew my history and my health goals. Among some other things, my she recommended I give seed cycling a try.

Seed cycling is a nutritional therapy for supporting the cyclical processes at work within a woman’s body each month. Feminine energy is cyclical rather than linear. A woman’s physical and emotional states flow through a cycle each month – that’s why you feel outgoing and energized some days and withdrawn and tired on other days.


Curious about feminine energy and optimizing your cycle? Check out Blossom & Flow! Corinne and I teach women how to reclaim their feminine energy and live in alignment with their bodies and souls.

Seed cycling is thought to work by supporting healthy production and elimination of hormones like estrogen and progesterone. The essential fatty acids and minerals in seeds give your body the resources it needs to carry out its processes. Whether your goal is to boost your fertility or just get your cycle back on track, seed cycling is a great choice!

  • Generally, flax and pumpkin seeds are used in the Follicular phase (day 1 of bleeding through ovulation), although my ND recommended I use chia instead of flax. Check with your doctor to find out if flaxseed is a good choice for you.

  • Sesame and sunflower seeds are used in the Luteal phase (ovulation through day 1 of bleeding).


If you aren’t currently having a regular cycle, you have a few options. If you do bleed, start the Follicular phase seeds on the first day of bleeding and continue until you have signs of ovulation, even if it’s more than two weeks. If you aren’t currently getting your period, you can try starting the Follicular phase blend at the time of the New Moon (when most women will naturally start bleeding) and start the Luteal phase blend at the time of the Full Moon (when most women will naturally ovulate) – this is sometimes called a “white moon” cycle. Or, if you know how your cycle has followed the moon phases in the past, work with that. For example, my body tends to follow a “red moon” cycle, where I bleed around the time of the Full Moon and ovulate around the New Moon. If you aren’t sure – follow the “white moon” cycle that I explained above since that is the most common pattern and is associated with the best health and fertility outcomes.

While there’s not tons of research on the effects of seed cycling out there now (research on natural solutions for women’s health often lacks funding, surprise surprise), there is plenty of anecdotal evidence! Plus, (unless you’re allergic) there’s no harm in trying it out and seeing for yourself!

You can get your seeds in however you like – add them to oatmeal, smoothies, or salads! My favorite way to incorporate seed cycling into my routine is to make these delicious seed cycling balls. I get all the benefits of the seeds, plus some healthy nuts and dates. I made these seed balls on a whim, and later found out that dates have some great benefits for the female reproductive system too.


Seed Cycling Balls Recipe

Makes 1 serving of 4 balls


1-2 TBS of Flax or Chia and Pumpkin Seeds (Follicular phase) OR

1-2 TBS of Sesame and Sunflower Seeds (Luteal phase)

1 handful of nuts (almond, cashew, walnut, or pecan work great)

3 Medjool Dates

Pinch of sea salt

Dash of vanilla extract

Optional Add Ins:

1 TBS cacao powder

Pinch of cinnamon

Dried cherries, raisins, or other dried fruit



In a food processor or high-speed blender, grind the seeds and nuts for about 30 seconds

Add in dates, salt, vanilla, and any add-ins, and process until the mixture starts to come together, about 30 seconds – 1 minute

If the mixture is too dry, add a dash of water (just add a tiny amount at a time as it will come together quickly!)

Roll the mixture into 4 small balls

Serve immediately or chill in the refrigerator until you’re ready to eat!

Ready to make your own? Here are some links for you to grab what you need!

Sunflower seeds

Sesame seeds

Chia seeds

Pumpkin seeds

Medjool dates



Mini food processor

I promise these seed cycling balls are so yummy! I eat them for breakfast sometimes; they make a great snack as well! Do you incorporate seed cycling into your routine? If not, are you thinking about giving it a try? Let me know in the comments below!

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I truly love and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links. At no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission that helps support the free content on this blog. Thanks!